Our facility has been developed to cater for school groups of all ages.
We have dorm rooms for students and teacher’s rooms for staff, great common and outdoor areas plus an amazing location. (See ‘Facilities’ page)
Our school programs are very flexible and will be specifically designed to meet your requirements.
If your camp is a component of a subject, we can structure a schedule to align with VELS or a VCE course (or other state equivalent) curriculum.
We work with local providers to be able to provide so many activities (see ‘Activities’ page), consequently, your program can be as action packed and varied as you want it to be.
Half the group is camping at Mt Buffalo (abseiling, caving, camping) whilst the other half are in Bright using the centre facilities, local sports precinct and cycling the rail trail.
Physically active time interspersed with more mindfulness activities like cooking, painting, fishing, yoga.
Physically active labs based in the gym/at sports precinct combined with theory based work in the classroom. Program complimented by the attendance of a host of quest speakers.
Risk Management
All of the activities we conduct, or engage expert providers to run, are fully covered by Professional Indemnity insurance. Our activities are heavily scrutinised to provide participants with the highest levels of safety possible and we undergo extensive risk management procedures in order to satisfy insurance criteria. All our risk management and insurance information is available upon request.